OK, as most of you know, Tony and I have a sweet baby boy named Camden. Most of you may not realize that I didn't quite know I was pregnant until I was about 6 months along. I know you're thinking i'm crazy and saying "how in the world did you NOT know!?" Well...i'll tell you.
You see, i've never been, ahem, "regular". EVER. I was always skipping months here and there from when I first blossomed into a young lady ;) . I hardly ever had 12 periods a year...it was mostly about 6 or so. If you're a guy and you're reading this, I know you're thinking "TMI, Kim!" but it's true and it helps me stress the point that I had no idea that I was pregnant, OK!? And no, I never went to "THE" dr. I was terrified of THAT Dr and didn't really want them alllll up in my business so I just basically cast the whole situation aside (I know, not smart...but hey!) Anyways! In 2007 I had my last cycle in December and did not have another one until July of 2008 and was regular and had my last one again in December of 2008. I figured, hey this is just my "cycle" and I rolled with it. I wasn't complaining....I LOVED not having one haha!
Well, at the very end of MAY I noticed I had gained a little weight. And by little, probably 5lbs but on someone of my stature it looks like 15! I assumed I was gaining weight because I have an office job and I basically sit on my tooshy all day and I was eating out a lot. So, I quit eating fast food and started eating "healthy" and the pounds just wouldn't go away. Then I was laying in bed one night sometime during the first part of June and I felt a quiver in my belly and I thought "HMMMMM! THAT WAS DEFINITELY *NOT* RIGHT". So I told Tony, we took a test and Hellooooooooo baby Camden (of course, we didn't know HE was a "he" just yet!).
Yup. I'm not going to lie....I was scared TO DEATH to tell my parents. But then I was like...you know what, I'm 23...I'm not a 16 year old kid still in high school-I'm an adult, I have a career....What do I have to be so scared of? I know they'll disapprove at first but they'll come around. It was RIGHT. IT WAS PERFECT. IT WAS A BLESSING. A blessing to me because with having a "wacky" period for so long I figured my ovaries were fried and I would never be able to have children. An abortion was never ever ever ever EVER an option for me. I could never do that...I, personally, don't have the audacity to shoot down God's plan for ME. And I in no way am shooting down anyone that has ever had an abortion because of certain health circumstances, rape...etc because I know that's a tough call to make. Just had to make that clear before I get some UGLY responses from people :) That was just never in my "playbook".
Anyways, after the shock of the situation, my parents became excited after we decided that we were going to get married and raise this child right. Once again, I'm not saying go out and get married JUST because a child is involved. We had already discussed the thought of marriage long before we knew about little Camden. We knew that was the path we were going to take, eventually. "Our" plan didn't quite work out how we thought it was going to .... but once again, guess who's did. Yup, that's right, God's plan. It all comes down to His timing once again.

It's amazing to watch that plan grow and to have an idea as to what I think is going to happen verses what DOES happen. No, I didn't expect to be married at 23 and have a baby. Do I regret it? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I love every single minute of waking up next to the most amazing man I know and seeing a sweet smile on my baby boys face every morning when I go to get him out of his bed. I could never regret him. To regret something that God created especially just for US would be the most selfish thing I could ever possibly do.
We basically had about 3 months to plan a wedding, prepare for baby, meet my rediculous $5000 insurance deductible. But we did it. With God's grace and mercy, we did it! It was a tad bit stressful those 3 months trying to get everything on track. Obviously my Dr wasn't very happy with me and basically gave me the spill about how I should see "THE" Dr 2 times a year and should have been since I was 18...his nurse freaked and wanted me to get started on prenatal vitamins right away (which I rarely took...) I don't understand prenatal vitamins. Why in the world do we have to take them now but like 50 years ago those weren't available to everyone and people weren't really MADE to take them. Their children turned out just fine. I think it's just another ploy from the Dr's to get you to spend more money...but that's a whole other issue I prefer not to get in to.
Camden Easton Gullo made his debut on September 15, 2009 at 7:49 PM weighing in at 7lbs 1 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. I had to endure a C-section (pelvis was too narrow for a vaginal birth and Camden could never drop), I was mostly out of it until they showed me his sweet face and I immediately perked up and was staring at the most beautiful being I have ever seen in my life. Of course after that, I was in and out of consciousness and definitely "feeling good".

Our lives have forever been changed because of our sweet little surprise. The best gift I could have ever received :)
I LOVED reading your baby story!! Camden is seriously such an angel. Keep updating...it is so fun to go back and read old blog as you get older..I look at it as a type of journal.
ReplyDeleteGod seriously has the most perfect plan for all of us even if we don't see it at the time. God has blessed yall with a healthy baby and happy marriage.
Thank you, Lauren! and I am SO happy I found you on here! I'm not too sure of very many people that keep a blog but I figured it was a fun way to keep up with everything that happens in our daily walk.
ReplyDeleteI hope you, Skyler and Carter are doing wonderful! he is such a handsome little boy!!!
Camden is the sweetest little "pudge gullo" ever :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE YOU!
haha thanks mega! I LOVE YOU: