Monday, May 3, 2010


The love I feel for my little family is indescribable. I always knew I was a family person but never really knew how much "FAMILY" meant to me until I actually had one of my own. I get that "wow" factor every time I think of those two perfect men in my life.

I say "perfect" because Tony is PERFECT for ME. I believe God chose him especially for me, to be my partner, my one true love, to counteract my personality and mold us together as one. I can't get over the love that I feel for that man.....

Love is always being able to love that person, no matter their flaws.
Love is knowing that no matter how bad a day I'm having, HE is there for me when I get home.
Love is having patience in dealing with difficulty and trials that come our way.
Love is that sweet feeling and peace I get when I'm with him.
Love is being able to sit in silence and have the best conversation ever.
Love is worth the waiting for.
Love is US.

I say "perfect" about Camden because he is TRULY perfect in every possible way. I love him more than I could have ever thought possible. HE is me and Tony wrapped up in one. God couldn't have blessed us with a more amazing little boy and I make sure and thank him each and every night for that special gift.

I love the sound of him and his daddy playing.
I love that sweet "belly laughs" he gives as his daddy is tickling him.
I love the little babbling he does has he is playing with his toys, the doors, or the cabinets.
I love that he cries "ma-ma" when he is sad.
I love that no matter how bad of a day I'm having, one smile and it all washes away.
I love that when I pick him up from my Aunts, he lets out this excited laugh and crawls to me.
I love our bed time routine where he falls asleep on me each night.
I love laying on the floor and becoming a personal jungle gym.
I love that when he gets excited he starts kicking his legs and flapping his arms.

I know he has to grow up but I wish it could stay like this forever. It makes me so sad that one chapter is already coming to a close....the "toothless smile" chapter. My baby is now about to be sporting two pearly white bottom teeth. It is bittersweet and makes me cherish each and every moment with him, be it BIG or small.

He was dedicated to the Lord this past Sunday and it was such a humbling experience for us as parents. It is up to US to guide him in the right direction. It is up to US to provide the lessons he needs to know about God and life. It is up to US to be Christ-like examples so that one day our son will come to know God when he is ready. I continuously pray that God shows our little family the way. That he continuously teaches Tony and I how to be that great example that Camden deserves. I pray that our little boy grows up in a loving, compassionate, devout Christian home. He deserves nothing less than that and I am prepared to dive head first into this next chapter of our sweet little life.


  1. You are amazing!! I love oh so much!! You are also becoming an excellent blogger!!! Muah

  2. that was me tony!!! ^^^
